Conner Wharff

Xe-129 Hyperpolarizer Lab Manager Healthcare
Clinical Research Associate

Conner joined the Fain Pulmonary Imaging Lab in July of 2022 as the Hyperpolarizer Lab Manager. He completed a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Radiation Science in the Spring of 2021, specializing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Before joining the lab, Conner worked as an MRI Technologist at UIHC, gaining valuable patient-care experience while honing his skills as a technologist. Conner manages and supports staff in day-to-day operations of the Xenon Hyperpolarizer Lab in addition to maintaining, updating, and leading the execution of MR image acquisition protocols specific to the lung study efforts.

In addition to his Lab Manager role, Conner also operates as a Research Imaging Technologist for the Magnetic Resonance Research Facility within the Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging.

profile picture for Conner Wharff